Aeron Headrest Comparison – Engineered Now versus Atlas

We bought all the available headrests in the market and tested them, so you don’t have to.
Judging from value, comfort, ergonomics, durability and every detail, you would have missed out.

To cut to the chase, we pick the top 3 best Aeron Chair headrest and give you the details

Aeron Headrest Comparison – Engineered Now versus Atlas

Here’s a short evaluation with some photos to illustrate the difference between the two popular brands of headrests. They are the Atlas Aeron Headrest and the Original Engineered Now Headrests
We also added a short review of the new PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3, which has already took over as the best seller. We do ship most of our accessories globally for FREE.

This review should provide more insight to buyers to understand some of the critical differences and know what to look out for.

The following comparison is for the graphite version of the Remastered Aeron Chair. Note that this slightly differs from the Classic Aeron version, which was discontinued for several years.

Classic and remastered difference

Difference between Remastered and Classic Aerons

 Who are they?

Engineered Now had been around for almost a decade and was the first to release a fully adjustable mesh headrest for the Classic Aeron chairs. You can tell that the inventor is very concerned about the headrest’s durability, function and adjustability aspect. This matches the direction of how Aerons were designed, adaptable to fit most people.

PosturePilot is a specialized headrest producer with their factory based in Taiwan. They are OEM makers and could produce very high quality headrests that are used in many brands. They have the option to customize the quality of the material used. As such, for our headrests, we specifically sourced the best resins we can find from Germany, that are pure and new. So they have stronger structural integrity and are less likely to degas toxic fumes from impurities used in recycled plastic.

Atlas founder remarked that he uses to design for Herman Miller. The company was started later than Engineered Now and they have released a version with “suspension mesh” which now makes them a worthy competitor. The mesh used on their headrest is from the same supplier that supplies for the production of Aeron Chairs. Aesthetically, they should match very well since the material is the same.

Size difference

Engineered Now has two sizes. The HR03 and HR04, which is taller and bigger by about 20%. Again, though we are using the remastered Aerons for comparison in this review. The dimension and features are the same for the variation for the Herman Miller Classic Aerons.

PosturePilot is similar to Engineered Now but only comes in the smaller H3 size and is only available for the Remastered Aerons.

Atlas only has one size. The headrest is huge, even larger than the HR04.

Here are some comparison photos

Atlas compare HR03

Left Atlas, Right Engineered Now HR03. Frontal photo
Left Atlas, Right Engineered Now HR03. Size comparison

Atlas compare HR04

Left Atlas, Right Engineered Now HR04. Size comparison

HR04 compare HR03

Left Engineered Now HR04. Right HR03

Some users have pointed out that the rear of the Atlas headrest protrudes out. This protrusion can be a concern for tight spaces as it increases the size of the chair. Although the Atlas could control the depth of how far it can extend out. In reality, users will likely push it all the way to the back since the headrest is huge and could push the head too forward.

Left Atlas, right HR03, protruding bars at the back of Atlas

Ergonomic Head Support

The neck carries the head, and the muscles that support your head are from the neck and shoulders. Although it’s known as a headrest, the fundamental support should be on your neck. So your neck and shoulder muscles can be appropriately relaxed while your head gets supported.

Some users position their headrest support on the back of their heads, which may cause a strain on the neck.

The material must be fully breathable and not too stiff to eliminate the chance of trapped heat or pressure points which can cause discomfort. As such, using mesh is the most appropriate material.

Forward head syndrome
If the head is pushed too forward, it can have a negative effect, causing forward head syndrome.

Support difference

There’s something unique here with PosturePilot and Engineered Now’s design. It is fully adjustable, so you can find a spot that supports your head well.

The mesh can be slightly loose, but this is probably intentional to allow the mesh to contour around your neck instead of being too firm and creating pressure points causing discomfort. This curve-in design locks your neck in position and reduces the chance of your head slipping off while taking a nap. The mesh is a little springy similar to the Atlas’s suspension mesh.

Some headphones users remark that the curve design may hinder them from wearing large headphones. If you using earphones, or smaller headphones, there shouldn’t be any problem. Personally, I’m using the Panasonic On-Ear Stereo Headphones RP-HT21 and I haven’t noticed any obstruction.

HR03 curve surface

For the HR04, the curve is more subtle.

HR04 surface

The cushion is huge and wide for Atlas, but the surface is flatter. They call it the suspension mesh, and it is a little springy, which is not very different from the HR03/HR04.

At first glance, there were some concerns that the cushion on the Atlas is too large and may not fit well with people having a more petite frame, as you must remember that the curve should fit behind the neck, not the head. In this aspect, the PosturePilot and Engineered Now design seems better as the smaller cushion design is more likely fit and provide better cranium support.

However, we haven’t heard much of such complaints, probably because the suspension mesh from Atlas conforms to the head’s shape and sinks well into the correct depth, resting like a firm pillow.

The HR04’s size is somewhere between Atlas and HR03. It is highly adjustable, but it rests at a taller height. We recommend the HR04 option be considered only for people with 180cm / 5 feet 11 and above.

Overall, both the PosturePilot/Engineered Now and Atlas headrests are both excellent products. Still, given that the PosturePilot/Engineered Now headrest has better adjustability and fits better behind the neck, they score slightly better on ergonomics.

Atlas surface

Adjustments Explained

Engineered Now Headrest Adjustment Explained
PosturePilot and Engineered Now Headrest Adjustment Explained

The PosturePilot/Engineered Now headrest adjusts its depth by rotating and swinging the headrest forward or backward and locked into position with a lever.
The height is adjusted by sliding the headrest along the bar, and the cushion’s angle can be adjusted. You can adjust the tension by tightening the screws inside the cap.

Atlas Headrest Adjustment Explained
Atlas Headrest Adjustment Explained

As for the Atlas headrest, depth can be adjusted by simply pushing or pulling the headrest’s position. There’s a locking knob to tighten the position. Since the Atlas is already much bigger and protrudes a lot, most people prefer the headrest all the way to the back. So in a way, there’s alot less flexibility in the depth.

Height can be adjusted by sliding along the bar and using the locking knob to tighten into position.

The angle of the cushion can be rotated and adjusted.

Which has better adjustability?

Both can adjust the depth, height and angle. It’s quite certain to say that the PosturePilot and Engineered Now headrest should be more adjustable as it has more room to adjust for depth. The PosturePilot and Engineered Now headrest also has an active free-flowing design that adjusts while the user tilts the chair.

Another big advantage of the PosturePilot and Engineered Now headrest is it can be easier adjusted while the user remains seated. For the Atlas headrest, some adjustments may require the user to stand up and adjust first before sitting or get someone to help to adjust.

Also, given that the Atlas’s depth comes out a little more, so some users were concerned that it might push the head too forward. It should not be a big issue as the Atlas mesh is springy and does sink its depth a little when you put your head on it.

Atlas cushion depth

PosturePilot and Engineered Now HR03 cushion depth
Engineered Now HR04 cushion depth

Will the headrest blend well with my chair?

The PosturePilot or Engineered Now headrest may not be using the same fabric used in the original Aeron chairs. Despite that, it’s hard to visually tell or feel a difference when installed on the chair.

As for the Atlas, the mesh is the same material used on the original Aeron Chairs, so it should provide a perfect match. It has a sleeker and simpler-looking design, which makes it aesthetically more pleasing. In this aspect, the Atlas headrest should be the clear winner.

Both types of mesh used are durable and can dissipate heat well. It is unlikely that the user will create a tear by placing their head on the mesh.

Here are some illustration photos:

Both may look like it’s in different colours, but that’s mainly due to lighting or editing discrepancies. You can see that they look almost the same in our earlier photos comparing them.

Engineered Now
Atlas Headrest Remastered Aeron Carbon

Which is more durable?

From statistics, Engineered Now and the PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3 seem to have fewer technical complaints. That’s after almost a decade of selling. Reports of them failing is rare or never heard of, so we think they are hard to beat. Some complain that the tension might slip, but that can be easily tightened back using simple tools. Overall, they feel slightly more solid in the gears and the pivoting points. The issue of the tension slipping may also happen on the Atlas, it’s hard to tell which will be worse, but we believe the Engineered One or the PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3, should fare a little better in overall durability. We use the same headrest for the classic Aerons and they are still good after a decade.

Both use Nylon frames. Nylon is a very hard material that doesn’t easily corrode and has some form of self-lubricating properties. The chassis of your Aeron chair is mainly made of Nylon. PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3 edges the best in the material as the resins are sourced from Germany which has less impurities.

But there are far more complaints of the mesh or the gasket lining failing in the Atlas Headrest. The gasket lining coming off can probably be solved by cutting it, and then pushing the gasket back in. Unfortunately, nothing can be done for damaged mesh. The mesh is a hardy material but it can be damaged when harshed detergent or when users use high heat to clean the mesh. This damage will also occur on the Aeron’s mesh. This is considered wear and tear. On the other hand, the Engineered Now and the PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3 don’t seem to have the same issues as they seem to have higher chemical resistance.

Not only that, the PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3 also has an even higher resistance to chemical damages due to the use of pure and new resins.

Atlas headrest with the gasket lining coming off.

Which is easier to install?

Both are relatively easy to install.

Installation for the Engineered Now is easier because there is only one screw to tighten.
For the Atlas, there are a total of 4 screws to be installed. We don’t think it’s a big matter since it should not take you an extra 5 minutes to do that.

What is the PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3?

PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3

It appears that the Engineered Now Headrest patent has probably expired. Imitation Engineered One headrests are flooding the market, most are coming from China, and we have bought at least 10 from different factories and tried them out. Some have a very toxic odour, some have a flimsy build, and some are ill-fitting.

The best seems to the from Taiwan, which is believed to be the OEM at some point. In fact, they have rectified some issue, only problem is they are much more expensive than the other replicas, and we think it’s worth the extras.

To improve the product even better, we had specifically imported pure and new resins from Germany for its production. This will be significantly better than using recycled plastic seen in other products. The difference is pure resins has better structural integrity and could last longer, they are also less likely to reduce toxic fumes from impurities in the plastic. THIS VERSION IS ONLY AVAILABLE FROM US.

Other than some minor tweaks to improve the design a little. Can’t tell the quality difference between the PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3 and the original Engineered One Headrest. You can see for yourself below.

Some tweaks include cushion pads to reduce the chance of scratching and an adjustment rod design that allows better locking. It’s the least likely headrest to cause scratches to the chair after installation.

The PosturePilot have a few adjustments and tweaks, which some deem critical or address some of the previously known concerns.

Below are the main differences based on the latest design. The OEM are the direct production line, so they may react swiftly and make amendments for various reasons. We can’t guarantee that the designs will always be the same. Any changes are supposed to be improvements or necessary.

All the comparison photos are from us. If you see them used on other websites or platforms, they are unauthorised, and we suggest staying away.

Herman Miller Aeron Engineered Now versus PosturePilot OEM headrest mesh comparison
The original adjustment rod on the left has a smooth surface. Some users complain that the positioning slips too easily. The adjustment rod on the Taiwan OEM allows stepped adjustments to hold positions better.
Cushioning material to reduce the risk of scratches.

We notice a better finish on the frame—a closer match to the original chair. The mesh is almost identical and matches the Aeron chair perfectly.

Will the headrest void my warranty?

From the investigation video below, it seems that only if the headrest does structural damage to the chair or mechanism will it be considered voiding the warranty. This includes drilling into the frame to secure the headrest, which none of the headrests mentioned on our website does. This includes the Engineered Now and Atlas headrests attached to the chair by tightening a bolt mechanism to secure them.

The new PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3 even have cushion pads to reduce scratches. It is hard to find evidence that that headrest was ever attached.


We will grade them by comparing just the Engineered Now and Atlas Headrest.

Engineered Now

Comfort: ★★★★★

Adjustability: ★★★★★

Ergonomics: ★★★★★

Design: ★★★★

Material: ★★★★

Durability: ★★★★★


Comfort: ★★★★★

Adjustability: ★★★★★

Ergonomics: ★★★★★

Design: ★★★★

Material: ★★★★★

Durability: ★★★★★

The PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3 fares slightly better in material compare to Engineered Now.
Mainly due to the extra cushioning and German Resins used.


Comfort: ★★★★★

Adjustability: ★★★★

Ergonomics: ★★★★

Design: ★★★★★

Material: ★★★★

Durability: ★★

Overall, these are the best headrests available for the Aeron chair. Each with its strength and weaknesses, and which is better depends on what you deem as more important. The Engineered Now headrest fare slightly better in adjustability and ergonomics. While the Atlas fare slightly better in design and material.

You can find more information on the product’s page below. We do sell and ship them to most countries for FREE.

Engineered Now HR03 Headrest

Engineered Now HR04 Headrest

PosturePilot Ergonomic Aeron Headrest H3

Atlas Headrest

Before you go and you own a Herman Miller chair, read the following.

You may want to check out the wheels also known as casters.

They are the easiest part to fail in the chair and we have found the BEST replacements that last much better. It’s of the same same, not the roller blade wheels that increases the height by an inch or more. An inch higher could cause your legs unable to reach the floor for support and strain your back and thighs.

Look at these photo of the wheels shedding.

Herman miller casters shedding
Herman miller casters breaking apart

Check out what’s the best you can get to replace here:
Made in Germany Premium Hard Casters

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